Ab ins Bett - Die tägliche Gute Nacht Geschichte

Ab ins Bett - Die tägliche Gute Nacht Geschichte

Die tägliche Gute Nacht Geschichte


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Have you ever found a treasure? I mean, a real treasure? Maybe you just didn't recognize it. That's what happens to Jula in today's bedtime story.

Here is your favorite podcast, "AB ins Bett", with the 1282nd bedtime story. I'm Marco, and I welcome you to the stretching session. Take your arms and legs, hands and feet, and stretch them as far away from your body as possible. Make yourself very, very long. Tense every muscle in your body. When you're done, let yourself plop down into bed and find a very comfortable position. In the evening, I'm sure you'll find the coziest position in your bed.

Here is the 1282nd bedtime story for Wednesday evening, February 28th. Jula and the Hidden Treasure. Jula is a normal girl. It's a normal day, it could even be today. Today Jula decides to go on a big journey. She wants to see the world and experience new adventures. So she packs her bag and sets off. She walks through her village, everyone knows her, because Jula was known for being able to do anything. She could climb the tallest trees, jump over the widest rivers, and she ran faster than the wind. As she walked through the village, all the villagers said goodbye and wished her to take her strength and determination with her on her travels.

Jula travels through many countries and experiences many adventures. On her journey, Jula also meets many people. Most of them were friendly and helpful. A few others were perhaps also envious. But Jula didn't let herself be intimidated. She knew that she could do anything if she just put her mind to it.

One day Jula came to a deep lake. She wanted to get to the other side, but she didn't know how. It was too far to swim. Then she thought about building a boat. But she didn't have any tools. For a moment, Jula was desperate. Suddenly a girl came up to her. The girl was small and delicate. How could she help Jula?

"What's wrong?" the girl asked. Julia told her about her problem. The girl smiled and said, "I can help you." She took Jula's hand and led her to a tree on the shore of the lake. There was a door carved into the trunk of the tree. But the girl was able to open this door and led Jula into a secret room.

In this room a treasure was hidden. There was gold, silver, precious stones and pearls. Jula was amazed. "This is the biggest treasure I've ever seen," says Jula. "That's not the treasure," the girl said. "The greatest treasure is trust. You trusted me, and I helped you, and that's worth more than the biggest gold nugget in the world." Julia understood. She had learned that trust is the most important treasure in life.

The girl had to move on. Julia thanked her. And then her journey continues. From now on Jula was not alone, because she had learned to trust other people and she had found friends who accepted her for who she was. Because that's how she is right. And she knows just like you. Every dream can come true. You just have to believe in it. And now it's time for bed. I'm going to dream something beautiful. See you tomorrow, 6pm. Ab ins Bett. Punkt nett.

Über diesen Podcast

Willkommen beim Familien-Podcast 'Ab ins Bett - die tägliche Gute Nacht Geschichte'! Hier nehmen wir dich mit auf eine magische Reise ins Land der Träume. Egal, ob du 3 oder 10 Jahre alt bist - unsere liebevoll erzählten Gute Nacht Geschichten sind für dich gemacht.

Ich bin Marco König, ein erfahrener Radiomoderator mit einer warmen Stimme und selbst stolzer Vater einer Tochter. Zusammen haben wir diesen Podcast speziell für dich und deine abendliche Entspannung kreiert.

Jede Episode erzählt eine neue Geschichte voller Abenteuer, fabelhafter Charaktere und spannender Erlebnisse. Von mutigen Drachen über zauberhafte Feen bis hin zu abenteuerlustigen Weltraumreisen - hier ist für jeden kleinen Träumer etwas dabei. Unsere Geschichten dauern etwa 5 bis 10 Minuten, damit du dich entspannt auf das Einschlafen vorbereiten kannst.

'Ab ins Bett' gehört bereits zum täglichen Abendritual vieler Kinder, und wir freuen uns, dass du dabei bist. Unsere Geschichten sind immer positiv und begleiten dich sanft ins Reich der Träume.

Wenn du möchtest, kannst du auch personalisierte Geburtstagsgeschichten oder unsere Ab ins Bett Musik auf www.abinsbett.net bestellen. Die personalisierten Geburtstagsgeschichten sind ein einzigartiges Geschenk für dich oder deine Freunde. Unsere beruhigende Ab ins Bett Musik kannst du auch nach dem Hören des Podcasts als entspannte Hintergrundmusik nutzen.

Falls du Fragen hast oder einfach mit mir in Kontakt treten möchtest, schreibe mir gerne per WhatsApp unter 015251796813 oder per E-Mail an marco@abinsbett.net. Ich freue mich, von dir zu hören und bin offen für deine Ideen und Anregungen.

Tauche mit uns ein in fantastische Welten und lasse dich von unseren liebevollen Gute Nacht Geschichten verzaubern. Der Podcast 'Ab ins Bett' ist für dich gemacht und begleitet dich in süße Träume.

von und mit Marco König


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